Maine Humble-Brag

Grateful for R.’s salvo last night on the upcoming winter. Preparing takes him the Summer, what with splitting and stacking, carrying wood up the porch stairs in his log carrier.

But last night was the crowning touch. The night before, sleeping beneath the window, I had shivers. Yesterday he spread plastic, screwed down with lath strips to break the wind and help keep out the cold. But last night. A seasonal experiment with building and banking the fire in our woodburning stove…. And yes, it lasted the night so that coals in the morning made an easy start for the coming day. And the night was very warm, this morning’s low being 18°F, perhaps the lowest so far this season.

You’ve got to keep the combustor clean, and replace every few years.

Here’s a book on winter experiences in Maine. Foreword by the great John Wilson.

Maine Metaphor: Maine in Winter